
Awesome Quality & Excellent Service



Projectors and Accessories

Data/Multi-media Projector
1500 Lumens Economy ……………….. 75.00
1500 Lumens ……………….. 150.00
1800 Lumens ……………….. 180.00
2000 Lumens ……………….. 200.00
3200 Lumens ……………….. 320.00
5500 Lumens ……………….. 550.00
Overhead Projector ……………….. 40.00
Slide Projector ……………….. 35.00
TV Cart ……………….. 25.00

Tripod Screens & Floor Standing Screens

144”x144” Floor ………. 150.00
72”x72” ………. 60.00
84” x 84” ………. 75.00
96” x 96” ………. 85.00

Cinefold Screen

4’ x 6’ ………. 100.00
6’ x 8’ ………. 125.00
7.6’ x 10’ ………. 175.00
10.6’ x 14’ ………. 250.00

Dress Kits

6’x8’ ………. 100.00
7.6’x10’ ………. 100.00
10.6’x14’ ………. 225.00


13” TV Monitor ………. 25.00
32” Television ………. 75.00
37” Television ………. 185.00
52” Television ………. 500.00

Video Sources, Mixers, Amplifiers & Cameras

DVD Player ……………….. 20.00
DVD/VCR Player ……………….. 30.00
VCR Player ……………….. 25.00
Video Camera HVRZ1U ……………….. 200.00
Video Camera HDRXR200V ……………….. 100.00
Tripod Basic ……………….. 50.00
Tripod Professional ……………….. 100.00
VGA Distribution Amp ……………….. 50.00
Composite Distribution Amp ……………….. 50.00
Scan Converter ……………….. 85.00
Video Mixer Edirol V4 ……………….. 100.00
Video Mixer Edirol V8 ……………….. 500.00

Video Equipment

Projectors and Accessories

Data/Multi-media Projector

Tripod Screens & Canister Screens

Cinefold Screen

Dress Kits


Video Sources, Mixers, Amplifiers & Cameras

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.